RM Watson was engaged by the Owners of Strata Plan 54893 and Willoughby City Council to deliver a comprehensive remedial upgrade of the mixed-use hotel/residential site located at 37 Victor Street, Chatswood.
Given the age of the building, the original waterproofing elements had reached the end of their service life. This was manifesting in uncontrolled water ingress into habitable areas across the majority of building lots. RM Watson was therefore tasked with refreshing the external appearance of the façade and remediating the most common sources of water ingress across the site which stemmed from the failure of the original balcony membrane system.
Works completed across the project included:
As an operational hotel and residential site, minimising the impact of works on the normal operations of the site was crucial. RM Watson designed a site-specific access system to ensure all remedial works were completed externally. An approach that allowed residents to maintain normal amenity of their units for the duration of the project.
Given the size and duration of the project, RM Watson also implemented a bespoke resident communication system to ensure all residents were adequately informed across the duration of works. This resulted in a high level of customer satisfaction for the duration of the project.